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Overview - ClearlyIP Trunking has the following options when it comes to your fax needs.
- You will first need to purchase Fax Call paths as outlined here.
Inbound Fax to Email - ClearlyIP Inbound Fax service is a Fax to Email service handled by the Clearly IP Trunking service, with no dependency on your PBX.
- Any DID on your account that is T.38 capable can be configured to route calls to our Fax to Email service.
- Inbound faxes are delivered by PDF attachment up to 2 different email addresses defined by you per Fax Call Path.
- If desired, you can choose to encrypt the Fax PDFs that are emailed to you and set a password on a per Phone Number basis.
- Full Documentation here.
Outbound Email to Fax "SendFax.to"- For each Phone Number you have purchased with us, you can set 1 or more Groups that are allowed to send faxes from a specific number as the Fax Caller ID and Station ID.
- Each Outbound group can contain up to 100 users using specific email addresses, or a group can optionally be enabled for an entire domain (example @yourcompany.com could be enabled to send outbound emails).
- These group users allowed to send fax by email by sending an email to the desired fax recipient number using the following format NPANXXXXXX@sendfax.to . PDFs, PNGs, and Doc files attached to that email will be converted to an Outbound Fax. Our service will process the email and fax transmitted out to the number represented by NAPNXXXXXX in your email to address.
- If your users are authorized for multiple outbound FAX DIDs they can also manually define their outbound DID and Fax Station ID in their email string by placing the desired outbound DID in your email string using this format xxxx@NPANXXXXXX.sendfax.to.
- If users are part of multiple groups and do not define the desired outbound faxing DID in the email, they will receive an email message back immediately allowing them to choose which specific FAX DID they wish to use for this email.
- Full Documentation here.
- To review how to send an outbound fax from email, see this wiki here.

Inbound Fax to API from Clearly IP to you - Our simple to use RESTful API allows you to have faxes posted to you each time new fax arrives.
- Full Documentation here.
Outbound Fax from API to Clearly IP from you - Our simple to use RESTful API allows you to send outbound faxes from any of your registered DIDs.
- Full Documentation here.
Inbound T.38 Faxing to your PBX or device. - Any DID that is T.38 capable can configure to route call calls to your PBX or Device with full T.38 support for inbound faxes.
- More reliable than Fax over IP using standard ULAW formats.
- Full Documentation here.
Outbound T.38 Faxing from your PBX to us.- Requires having at least 1 Fax Call Path on your location to send T38 faxes
- More reliable than Fax over IP using standard ULAW formats.
- Full Documentation here.
Using Email-to-Print and Scan-to-Email capable MFP's & Printers to Send and Receive Faxes.
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