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Busy Lamp Fields (BLF's)

Clearly Devices module has 4 different Types of BLF buttons with an explanation of each type below.  All four types will show the current state of the extension or feature code you are monitoring for Idle, In Use and Ringing.
  • BLF - Here you define the Button name and what Extension or feature code you want to monitor.  Pressing the BLF will dial the number.

  • BLF Smart - Here you define the Button name and what Extension or feature code you want to monitor.  The "Smart" portion of the button tells the phone to use the Short and Long press options also with this button so you can change the dial behavior based on what you have set up for Short and Long presses as outlined here

  • BLF Linked - Operates just like a normal BLF except instead of defining the button name that is shown on the phone and defining the extension you want to monitor you get a drop down of all Extensions on the system and you pick which one you want to monitor and it fills in the name to be the same as the Extension Name for you.  

  • BLF Linked Smart - Operates just like the BLF Linked option above but also adds in the Smart option just like the BLF Smart above has.

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