Zapier Integration

The Zapier platform allows you to connect your ClearlyCloud phone system directly with Zapier applications.  

Configuring Zapier

  • 🛑 Verify Requirement: Have you enabled ClearlyIP Spoke?  (If not, start here.)
  • Start by login into Zapier using your own Zapier credentials. This should keep your Zapier user session open and should make the integration process easier.
  • Open a new browser tab and go to and log in with your ClearlyIP Cloud/Trunking credentials.

  • Click the “Connect” button on the Zapier card.

  • You should be redirected to the Clearly Cloud Integration page in Zapier’s website here and you should see the “Connect Clearly Cloud to 6,000+ apps” button. If you don’t see this button you should login again to Zapier and then go back to the Clearly Cloud integration page here

  • You can click on the Connect button to create a “Zap” from scratch, or you can scroll down to check the Zapier templates we already have in place. If you are not familiar with Zapier we recommend that you try a template instead of creating a Zap from scratch.

  • Let’s say you want Spoke to send you a Slack message when there’s a new call. To do this click the “Try It” button on the “Send Slack notifications for new calls in Clearly Cloud” template.

  • You should see the Zap Editor, with the Clearly Cloud and Slack steps in the workflow diagram, each step already has the App & event and Trigger tabs preconfigured.

  • The Account tab shows a warning icon because even though you already logged into Spoke, you still need to connect the Zap to a specific Clearly Cloud PBX. To select the location, click on the “Sign In” button on the “Account” tab. A popup window will appear, select the Clearly Cloud PBX location and click on “Authorize”

  • Once connected, you should see the green check mark on the “Account” tab. Click the “Continue” button to switch to the “Trigger” tab.

  • A Trigger is a set of conditions that you use to filter the call events coming from your Clearly Cloud PBX, when these conditions are met, Zapier passes the call data to the next step or app, in this case Slack and executes an “Action”. In this template the call type “Incoming Call” and call status “Ringing” is preselected so the Zap will be triggered when there’s a new incoming call that is ringing. Click the “Continue” button to switch to the “Test” tab

  • The Test tab will connect to your Clearly Cloud PBX and pull any events/records that match the conditions entered on the “Trigger” tab. The idea is to use a matching record to see the call data that’s coming from Clearly Cloud and then use it on the next step. To pull the test records, click on the “Test trigger” button.

  • If your Clearly Cloud PBX has events that match the conditions in the Trigger you should see the 3 most recent matches or records. Select any of the available records and then click on “Continue with selected records” to move on to the next step which is configuring Slack.

  • So far, we used a template to create a Zap that receives call events from Clearly Cloud. These call events are filtered using a Trigger.  Next step is to tell Zapier what to do with these call events, or what should be the “Action”.  In this case, the Action is to have Zapier send the call events as a Slack channel message. The App & event tab should be already preconfigured to “Send Channel message”, click continue to open the “Account” tab

  • In the “Account” tab you should connect Zapier to your Slack account, a process similar to steps 7 and 8 but specific to Slack’s own authentication procedure. Once you connect your Slack account you should see a green check next to the “Account” title. Click continue to move to the “Action” tab.

  • The Action tab is already preconfigured with all the required fields, except the Slack channel. Select the Slack channel where you want to receive the notifications and click “Continue” to open the “Test” tab. You can come back later to this tab and tinker with the different options and message formatting options specific to the Slack integration in Zapier. 

  • You are almost there, click the “Test Step” button and you should see the notification in Slack. If you don’t like the message format or would like to add more fields you can click on the “Action” tab, modify it and when satisfied with the results click on “Publish”.

  • Your Zap is now live, you should see a confirmation message and a link to go to your Zapier Home.

  • On the left menu, click on the “Zaps” option to see your current Zaps and turn on/off any running Zaps. You should see the Zap we just created on top of the list with the “running” option set to “On”

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