Apache Provisioning Port Setup

Manually Configuring Apache to host phone configurations for auto provisioning

Note: If your FreePBX based system is Registered AND Licensed for System Admin Pro from Sangoma you can set this up via the Web Admin GUI.
Please see their documentation at System Admin - Port Management

For manual configuration see Below

HTTPS (SSL) Provisioning

Create Phone HTTPS (SSL) Provisioning Config

  1. SSH into your PBX using an ssh client like PuTTy and make sure you have root/sudo access.
  2. Create config file
    nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/clearlyip-ssl.conf
  3. Paste the config below or download the attached clearlyip-ssl.conf config and upload to the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory on your PBX
    1. Verify the port assignments on line 21 & 22
      Note: Be sure these ports don't conflict with any in Admin --> System Admin --> Port Management
    2. Verify Certs defined on lines 25-27
    3. Verify the AuthUserFile assigned on line 54
  4. Ext nano via Ctrl+X, press Y & Enter to save the config.
  5. Restart Apache to apply the config. 
    systemctl restart httpd.service

Configure Clearly Devices Template for HTTPS (SSL) Provisioning

  1. Log into your PBX's Admin Web GUI
  2. Go into Clearly Devices and in each of your templates:
    1. Verify the HTTP Username & Password are set to what was configured in Manual Apache Auth Setup
    2. Verify the Provision Protocol is set to HTTPS
    3. Verify the Provision Port is set to what was set in step 3.a
    4. Verify the Provision Server is set to the IP Address or FQDN of the PBX where this Apache instance is configured.

Apache Config for HTTPS (SSL) Provisioning Config

  Config Download: clearlyip-ssl.conf 
  1. # If ssh_module isn't already loaded load it.
  2. # This Avoids conflict with System Admin Configs.
  3. <IfModule !ssl_module.so>
  4.   LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
  5.   SetEnv SSLSETUP true
  6.   SSLPassPhraseDialog builtin
  7.   SSLSessionCache shmcb:/var/cache/mod_ssl/scache(512000)
  8.   SSLSessionCacheTimeout 300
  9.   SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom  256
  10.   SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
  11.   SSLCryptoDevice builtin

  12.   # https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/
  13.   SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
  15.   SSLHonorCipherOrder on
  16. </IfModule>

  17. # Define Provisioning Port
  18. Listen 5443
  19. <VirtualHost _default_:5443>
  20.   SSLEngine on
  21.   # Make sure these point to your cert files
  22.   SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/pki/webserver.crt
  23.   SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/pki/webserver.key
  24.   SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/httpd/pki/ca-bundle.crt

  25.   <Directory "/tftpboot/">
  26.     # Apache 2.4
  27.     <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
  28.       <FilesMatch "(^\.|.php$)">
  29.         Require all denied
  30.       </FilesMatch>
  31.       Require all granted
  32.     </IfModule>
  33.     # Apache 2.2
  34.     <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
  35.       <FilesMatch "(^\.|.php$)">
  36.         Deny from all
  37.       </FilesMatch>
  38.       Allow from all
  39.     </IfModule>
  40.   </Directory>

  41.   DocumentRoot /tftpboot/
  42.   SetEnvIf User-Agent '.*MSIE.*' nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

  43.   <Directory /tftpboot/>
  44.     AuthType Basic
  45.     AuthName Restricted
  46.     # Make sure this matches what you set when creating the user
  47.     AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/phoneuser.auth
  48.     Require valid-user
  49.   </Directory>

  50. </VirtualHost>

HTTP (Non-SSL) Provisioning

Note: If you are only setting up Non-SSL provisioning you don't need to Follow the Above SSL config or the Cert Setup in Apache SSL Certificate Setup Wiki.

Create Phone HTTPS (SSL) Provisioning Config

  1. SSH into your PBX using an ssh client like PuTTy and make sure you have root/sudo access.
  2. Create config file
    nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/clearlyip.conf
  3. Paste the config below or download the attached clearlyip.conf config and upload to the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory on your PBX
    1. Verify the port assignments on line 1 & 2
      Note: Be sure these ports don't conflict with any in Admin --> System Admin --> Port Management
    2. Verify the AuthUserFile assigned on line 12
      Note: Make sure you have configured Authentication according to Apache Authentication Setup Wiki.  Having unauthenticated provisioning could pose a security risk.
  4. Ext nano via Ctrl+X, press Y & Enter to save the config.
  5. Restart Apache to apply the config. 
    systemctl restart httpd.service

Configure Clearly Devices Template for HTTPS (SSL) Provisioning

  1. Log into your PBX's Admin Web GUI
  2. Go into Clearly Devices and in each of your templates:
    1. Verify the HTTP Username & Password are set to what was configured in Apache Authentication Setup
    2. Verify the Provision Protocol is set to HTTP
    3. Verify the Provision Port is set to what was set in step 3.a above
    4. Verify the Provision Server is set to the IP Address or FQDN of the PBX where this Apache instance is configured.

Apache Config for HTTP (Non-SSL) Provisioning Config

Config Download: clearlyip.conf
  1. Listen 8888
  2. <VirtualHost *:8888>
  3.   Alias /.well-known /var/www/html/.well-known
  4.   Alias /.freepbx-known /var/www/html/.freepbx-known
  5.   RewriteEngine on
  6.   RewriteRule ^/\.(well-known|freepbx-known)/ - [H=text/plain,L]
  7.   RewriteRule (^\.|/\.) - [F]
  8.   DocumentRoot /tftpboot/
  9.   <Directory /tftpboot/>
  10.     AuthType Basic
  11.     AuthName Restricted
  12.     AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/phoneuser.auth
  13.     Require valid-user
  14.   </Directory>
  15. </VirtualHost>

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