Custom Dialplans


Dialplans on the ClearlyIP Phones are used to decide what's a valid number to send to the PBX and be used for digit manipulation.
Note: Digit manipulation is typically best done on the PBX via Outbound Routes or Trunk Configuration.

Accepted Characters

Accepted CharactersDescription
Digits 0-9, #, or *Literal Interpretation of any number # or *
,Present Dialtone
xAny Digit 0-9
+1 or more of the last character
[125]Digits 1, 2, or 5
[1-5]Any single digit 1 through 5
<5=011>Replace 5 with 011
<=011>Add 011 without removing any digits


{[x*]+}Default (Allows any number of digits or *'s)
{[489]11}Allow only calls to 411, 811, or 911
{1920xxxxxxx}Allow calls to any 11 digit number starting with 1920
{[489]11|1920xxxxxxx}Allow calls to 411, 811, 911 and any 11 digit number starting with 1920
{9,x+}After user dials 9, they are presented with ANTOHER dialotone, and then can dial any number.  The complete number including the 9 is sent to the PBX
{^1900x+ | <=1920>xxxxxxx}Block and number starting with 1900, and add prefix 1920 to any 7 digit numbers
{<5=011>xxxxxxx+|[*x]+}If the number starts with 5 followed by at least 7 digits replace the 5 with 011. Otherwise any number of digits or *'s
{<=1920>[2-9]xxxxxx}Add digits 1920 to all 7 digit numbers not starting with 0 or 1

Note: Be sure to understand Dial Timeouts as the Dialplan on phone works in conjunction with the Dial Entry Timeouts decide when a call is automatically sent to the PBX instead of waiting for the user to press Send or #
  Dial No Entry Timeout: Sets the delay (in seconds) before the phone dials the entered digits, allowing the calls to be dialed without pressing Send or #.  0 Means wait forever.
  Dial Now Timeout: Sets the delay (in seconds) before the phone dials the entered digits, when the dialed number matches a dial pattern.  0 Means no delay.
       This useful when you have similar over lapping dial patterns i.e. NXXXXXX, NXXNXXXXXX, and 1NXXNXXXXXX.  

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