Home / FreePBX / CodeX Module / CodeX UCP User Manager Permissions

CodeX UCP User Manager Permissions

  • Once you have created 1 or more Code X campaigns as outlined here you can now choose if you want to give users the ability to view certain Code X campaigns from UCP which will let them manage a few things such as
    • Start a Code X Campaign that is using a prerecorded announcement
    • Stop a running Code X that is using a prerecorded anouncement
    • Change the Checkin of any member status too safe or unsafe while a campaign is running.
    • View and export reports on past executed Code X campaigns
  • Navigate to User Manager module in FreePBX and edit the Group or User that you want to give permissions to for Code X campaigns, then click on the edit action icon
  • Click on the UCP Tab
  • Click on the Code X Tab
  • From here you can pick which Code X campaigns the user or group has permissions to and submit your changes

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