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Overview - At a Reseller Level, you can do the actual setup of CDM data such as Locations, Templates for configuring phones for any of your Tenant Accounts below you.
- Review the Documentation on Tenant Admin Guide here on how to setup CDM data.
- This Guide outlines what rights as a Reseller Account you have that are not part of the Tenant User guides.
Logging In - Open a web browser to https://devices.clearlyip.com
- Log in with your Clearly IP Single Sign On (SSO) Username and Password. This is the same username and password used to login to Clearly IP Support Site and different Portals.
- Click on the CDM Tab at the top. If you do not have a CDM tab, that means your account is not set up with CDM access. At this time, CDM is not sold or offered as a stand-alone product and is bundled with the Clearly Cloud offering only.

- If you do not see Reseller level menu options under CDM, it means you are set up for Tenant access only. Reseller level is only offered to Partners who resell our service to clients (Tenants)
Creating Reseller Login Users - Since a Reseller Account is the Mid Level, you create Contacts for CDM from the standard Account Management section of CDM.
- Once a Contact is added to the Account Level organization, we can enable that Contact to have login rights to your CDM Reseller layer.
- Once Logged into CDM from the Menu bar, click on Account > Contacts
- If the Contact exist here already, then you can skip down below; otherwise, press the Add A New Contact button
- Once the contact has been created, you can now Link the Contact with your CDM OEM account to let them log in to the CDM Portal. From the Menu bar, click on CDM > CDM Users
- From here, click on the Add a New CDM User button
- Since we are trying to add an OEM Level user in the Drop Down of Type pick OEM
 - You will now get a Contact drop-down of all the Contacts belonging to your account.
Pick the Contact you want to create for this user; then you’ll have the option to send the user a welcome email letting them set a password if they do not have a current Login for any of the Clearly IP Portals.
If they have a current Login already, it will inform them they have joined this new Reseller Account for CDM, and press the Save Button.
Creating Tenant Accounts - Once Logged into CDM from the Menu bar, click on CDM > Tenants
- Click on the Add A New Reseller Account button
- Pick what Reseller this Tenant will be under and fill in the Name of the Tenant and an optional Description and press the Save button
 - Once we have a Tenant Account created, we can add Tenant Login Users to that account as outlined below.
Managing Existing Tenant Accounts - Once Logged into CDM from the Menu bar click on CDM > Tenants
- From here, you can see a list of all Tenants that are under your Reseller Account
 - Click on the Trash Can icon
under the Action column to delete the Tenant record - Click on the Binocular icon.
under the Action column to view and edit the details of the Tenant
- Click on the Orange Pencil Icon
to edit the Tenant Name or Description
Creating Tenant Login Users - Once Logged into CDM from the Menu bar click on CDM > CDM Users
- From here click on the Add a New CDM User button

- Under the Type pick Tenant, we want to create a Tenant User and under Tenant Account, pick which Tenant Account this User is for.
- Provide the Details on this User. The required fields are First and Last Name and Email, and press Save when done.
 - Suppose the Email Address provided already has a Login to any of the Clearly IP portals, such as CDM under a different OEM, Reseller or Tenant, our Support Site, or any other portal. In that case, it will send them an email notification letting them know they have been granted permission to this Tenant Account. When they log in to CDM, they will now see everything related to this Tenant Account.
- If the Email Address provided does not have a Login to our system yet, they will get an email welcoming them to CDM and a link to set a password and can now log in.
Managing Existing Tenant Login Users - Once Logged into CDM from the Menu bar click on CDM > CDM Users
- You will see a list of all CDM users linked to your Reseller account or any Tenants below you.
 - You will notice a single Email can be associated with more than 1 type of User Type. For the example above, we show Andres with the same Email has two entries. One as an OEM User Type and one as a Reseller Type. When Andres logs in, he can pick from the two profiles what he wants to see. He will be able to pick from the OEM or the Reseller Profile and see everything related to that User Type once he picks that login option.
- Click on the Binocular icon.
under the Action column to view and edit the details of the User
- Click on the Trash Can icon
under the Action column to delete the User. This will not delete the user from our system; it will just delete the user from being associated with the CDM User Type account.
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