We recommend updating to the latest firmware before configuring. This document was written based on software version 2.3.1
- Login to the web GUI of the device by entering the IP into your web browser. Digium Gateways use https, ie:
- From the main screen, click on Configuration
- Click on SIP Endpoints
- Click Create SIP Endpoint
- Update fields with your location information. You can locate the Server Domain name, SIP Username and SIP Password from within the SIP Trunking Portal under the Location as outlined here.
- Enter a description you understand in the field "Name".
- Enter the Sip Credentials Username from your location into the "Username" field.
- Enter the Sip Credentials Password from your location into the "Password" field.
Choose "This gateway registers with the endpoint" in the "Registration" field.Enter a DID (phone number) from your location in the "Destination Number" field.
Enter one of the servers listed from your location in the field "Hostname or IP Address".Leave "
Use UDP" on Yes.Leave "Use TCP" and "Use TLS" set to No.Leave "NAT Traversal" set to Yes.
Click Save Endpoint
To verify the gateway is registered, click on Diagnostics, then Connection Status
On the Connection Status page, click on SIP Endpoints tab, and verify your Endpoint is Registered
If you have recommendations or suggestions, please, please post a comment below.