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Restrict calls to 911

Restricting Calls from Logged Out Devices

If you choose to have phones log out to a specific extension, you may also want to restrict that extension from dialing anything except a few specific number, such as 911 or the front desk.  There are two ways to accomplish this.

Option 1:

Restrict outbound calling by dial plan.  To do this, we will use the Custom Config option of each model layout to modify the dial plan to only accept numbers required.
  1. In the Clearly Devices module, click on the right menu option and then click on the gear icon for one of the model layouts used for logged off devices.
    1. models
  2. In the Custom Config, search for "P4200".  This is the dial plan for Account 1, which should be the only account used for logged out devices.
    1. dialplan1
  3. Replace "__dialplan_1__" with the requested dial plan
    1. {911|1911|9911} = the most common dial plan.  Limits calls to only 911, 1911 or 9911
    2. {911|1001} = would limit calls to only 911 or 1001 (receptionist/security/etc)
  4. Click Submit
    1. If you have phones already assigned to this model, they should auto-provision with the new settings.
  5. The page should reload, and show the modified line in red.
    1. dialplan2

Option 2:

Restrict outbound calling by Outbound Routes.  To do this we will create an outbound route and restrict it to the caller id of the logged out extension.
  1. In FreePBX, click on Connectivity --> Outbound Routes
    1. OR1
  2. Click Add outbound Route
  3. Fill in the fields below for the Route Settings tab:
    1. Route Name: You can call this route whatever you would like.  ie: "Logged out Emergency Route"
    2. Route Type: Select Emergency
    3. Trunk Sequence for Matched Routes: Select your trunks for outbound calling
      1. or2
  4. On the Dial Patterns tab, enter the requested pattern, ie 911, in the match pattern with the logged out extension in the CallerID field
    1. You can add as many patterns as you wish.
    2. OR3
  5. Submit the page at the bottom.
  6. Lastly, we need to move this to the top of the routes.  To do this, click and drag the cross hairs icon or4for the new route to the top of the list.
    1. OR5

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