Home / ComXchange / Code X Module - CX / Creating a Code X Campaign - CX

Creating a Code X Campaign - CX

  • Once you have the Code X module installed on your system you can begin setting up a Code X campaign.
  • Navigate to the Code X module from your PBX GUI
  • Click on the Add Code button
  • Setup Code X options
    • General Settings
      • Codex Number - Extension number to interact with this specific Code X.
      • Description - Description or name for this Code X.
      • Mode - Choose the mode this Code X  will use Check-in where extensions have the option to check in Safe or Unsafe, or Mass Notify with no Check-in option.
      • Max Call Originations per second - Limit of the max calls the server can make per second.
      • Max Simultaneous Calls - The Maximum number of simultaneous calls that can be in progress for this Code X.
      • Attempts - How many times should notifications be attempted if a call is not answered.
      • Interval Between Attempts - How many minutes between call attempts.
      • Attempt Timeout - How many seconds before an attempt is considered a timeout.
      • Campaign Time Limit - Time limit in seconds that the Code X campaign is active and will allow check-ins.
    • Devices
      • Extensions to Page - Select which extensions will be paged when this Code X campaign is started.
      • Extensions to Call - Select which extensions will be called when the Code X campaign is started.
      • Extensions to require check-in - Select Which extensions will be required to check-in safe or unsafe after receiving the Code X notification.
    • Guest Management
      • Choose if checked in rooms should be called when this campaign is started.
      • Choose if Called guest rooms should be required to check-in Safe or Unsafe
    • Passwords
      • Password Start - Set a password that the user will have to enter to start the Code X after calling the Extension number for the Code X.
      • Password Cancel - Set a password that the user will have to enter if they want to stop an active Code X before the Campaign Time Limit expires from above when calling the Extension Number of the Code X.
    • Prompts
      • Announcement Mode - Choose if the notification will be a prerecorded announcement an announcement that is recorded live or will it play both a prerecorded and the live announcement.
      • Initial Announcement - This is a drop down of any system recording you have setup in your PBX that will be played in a page or a call when the Code X campaign is started.
      • Resend Announcement - This is a drop down of any system recording you have setup in your PBX that will be played to the page group when a user from User Control Panel presses the button to resend the announcement.  This can be the same announcement as the Page Announcement or a different recorded announcement if you want.
      • Announcement Replays - How many times should an announcement be played per notification attempt.
    • Code X Information
      • Checkin Safe Code - The feature code any member can dial to check in as safe.  The feature code is always *61XXXX with XXXX being the Extension number of the group you created.
      • Checkin Unsafe Code - The feature code any member can dial to check in as unsafe.  The feature code is always *62XXXX with XXXX being the Extension number of the group you created.
    • Post Campaign Actions
      • Post Campaign Email Report From - The email address used as sender for the campaign report.
      • Post Campaign Email Report To - The emails to receive the campaign report.
      • Post Campaign Email Report Subject - The subject of the campaign report email.
      • Post Campaign Webhook - The URL of the webhook to post data to.
    • Routing
      • Invalid Unsafe - If a user dials the Code X Unsafe feature code from above but no active Code X is running we will route the caller to this destination. By Default it will just hang up on the caller but you could route this to am announcement that you recorded saying the Code X is not currently active if you wanted to.
      • Invalid Safe - If a user dials the Code X Unsafe feature code from above but no active Code X is running we will route the caller to this destination. By Default it will just hang up on the caller but you could route this to am announcement that you recorded saying the Code X is not currently active if you wanted to.
  • Once setup Submit your changes and press the Apply Config button
    2024-07-26_11h10_43  2024-07-26_11h11_22

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