Home / PBX Appliances / FreePBX - Appliances / Configure DAHDI for FreePBX on Appliance with FXO/FXS ports

Configure DAHDI for FreePBX on Appliance with FXO/FXS ports

  • After you have downloaded and installed FreePBX ISO or another FreePBX based system from https://www.freepbx.org/downloads/ you will need to download and install our patched version of DAHDI for the 716, 716 or 745 Appliances.

715, 716 and 745

  • Log into your PBX with SSH

  • We need to make sure we have the kernel-headers and kernel-devel packages installed 
    • yum -y install kernel-headers kernel-devel
  • Reboot the PBX now

  • Download the DAHDI src here
    • wget https://kb.clearlyip.com/_attach/appliances/1.0/74714eecd4770c7ad7d47363e6214d7bfb051a1d655d618a/dahdi-linux-complete-2-11-1-2-11-1-SGM-20191120-tar.gz
  • Extract the file to /usr/src
    • tar zxvf dahdi-linux-complete-2-11-1-2-11-1-SGM-20191120-tar.gz -C /usr/src/
  •  Change to the directory we just extracted the file to
    • cd /usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.11.1+2.11.1/

  • Build and Make DAHDi
    • make
      • Note: If after running the make command, you get an error message like: "You do not appear to have the sources for the 3.10.0-xxx.xx.x.el7.x86_64 kernel installed."
        Then you may be missing a symlink to the sources location.
        The command below should resolve that. Rerun the commands above once the symlink is fixed.
        • ln -s /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/ /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
    • make install
    • make config
  • Reboot the PBX now

Prevent Dahdi Drivers from being overwritten by system updates. 

  • Add "exclude=dahdi-linux* dahdi-firmware* dahdi-tools* kmod-dahdi* asterisk*-dahdi wanpipe* kmod-wanpipe*" to the yum config
  1. echo "exclude=dahdi-linux* dahdi-firmware* dahdi-tools* kmod-dahdi* asterisk*-dahdi wanpipe* kmod-wanpipe*" >> /etc/yum.conf

Additional Steps of 715 and 716 only

  • The 715 and 716 need the following scripts to handle updating the LED lights on the appliance for the FXS and FXO ports.
  • log into your PBX with SSH and wget the following script
  1. wget https://kb.clearlyip.com/_attach/appliances/1.6/5965042000000132019/dahdisetup.sh

  • make the file executable
  1. chmod +x dahdisetup.sh

  • run the script
  1. ./dahdisetup.sh

  • If you get an error on the dashboard
    • "Unable to write to /etc/wanpipe/global.conf"
    • You will need to run the following 3 commands to fix it.
      • mkdir /etc/wanpipe
      • touch /etc/wanpipe/global.conf
      • chmod 777 /etc/wanpipe/global.conf

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