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Polycom new hardware firmware requirements

Polycom new hardware firmware requirements

Some of the devices from Polycom now require a new branch of firmware, until recently this firmware was lacking features and has been incompatible with the SIP standards.

Identifying devices

There are a few things going on with newly purchased Polycom devices which require firmware changes in order to operate:

  • Older models like the Sound Point IP 335 (really any SoundPoint or SoundStation IP). Are now being shipped with MAC addresses starting with 64:16:*.
  • Models like VVX 300,310,400,410, 500, 600. Are being shipped with MAC addresses starting with 64:16.
  • New models VVX devices 301, 311, 401, 411, 501, 601, all MACs.

These devices will not operate correctly without the newer firmware.

What do you need to do?

We have put together a new set of device types in VCP to solve this issue. For a short time you will see two device types for each model, such as the following examples using older firmware branch:

  • Polycom IP335 Ver 3
  • Polycom VVX 400/410 Ver 4

and for newer firmware branches...

  • Polycom IP335 Ver 4
  • Polycom VVX 400/401/410/411 Ver 5

The SoundPoint IP older firmware version 3 and the VVX older firmware version 4 we have been using and proven to be stable. At some point these device types firmware combination in VCP will be set to an obsolete status and no longer offered as they are incompatible with new hardware. Devices currently using those older combination can continue to use them, however if you switch them to a new device type (which means newer firmware) you will not be able to go backward.

New installs should select Polycom IP *your model* Ver 4 or Polycom VVX *your model* Ver 5. So all Polycom VVX models should be using Version 5.

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