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CSipSimple configuration

CSipSimple configuration for XCast. 

Settings / Network / Transport  

  • UDP: Checked
  • TCP: Unchecked

Settings / Network / NAT traversal  
Everything should be Unchecked  

Settings / Media / Misc  

  • DTMF mode: Auto  

    Accounts / Add account.  
    There are a lot of pre-defined types of account, we do not need them  

    Use:  Generic wizards / Expert  
  • Account name:   XCast <-- That is just a label name for account, not significant
  • Account id: <sip:Device-Line-Name@domain>  <-- Yes, it must be in angle brackets <...>
      For example it could be: <sip:1234@xcastlabs.voippbxsite.net>  
  • Registration URI:  sip:domain <-- The same domain as in Acoount id
      Example:   sip:xcastlabs.voippbxsite.net  
  • Realm: *      <-- Just one symbol: star
  • Username (login): Device-Auth-Name  <-- That is our Auth Name, it may or may not be the same as Line Name
      Example: 1234
  • Data (password): Device-Auth-Password
      Example: PANW........RIY2  
  • Data Type: Plain password
  • Scheme: Digest
  • Transport: UDP
  • Publish enabled: Unchecked
  • Register timeout(sec): 3600
  • Register delay before refresh(sec): -1
  • Force Contact: <-- Leave it empty
  • Allow contact rewrite: Unchecked
  • Proxy URI:  sip:Outbound-Proxy
      Example:     sip:outbound.voippbxsite.net:7060 
  • SRTP mode: Disabled
  • Voicemail: 00 <-- Just two zeros


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