Updating Desktop App


  • For Windows based apps we publish new builds to the Windows App store.  You will need to update your app through the App Store.


  • For Mac based users we are not able to publish to the Mac store just like most Softphone providers as Apple does not allow applications that use industry standard web components not allowed by their guidelines. 
  • You will need to pull down the latest build from our link here https://clearlyanywhere.app/app/macos and install it.
  • We are working on a auto updater into the application itself and plan on having it out in fall of 2022.
  • If you have issues updating your Mac application where the new version crashes on startup you will need to clear out the config directory on your Mac for Clearly Anywhere and relogin.
    • Macintosh Hd/you/Library/Application Support/ and remove the following folder com.clearlyip.anywhere.osx
    • Normally you will have to use terminal to find this folder
      • cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/
      • ls -l | grep clearlyip 
        • should show the following folder
        • drwxr-xr-x  17 xxxxxx  staff   544 Aug 10 08:58 com.clearlyip.anywhere.osx
      • Now remove the folder with the following command
        • m -rf com.clearlyip.anywhere.osx

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