Screen Pops


Clearly Cloud supports screen pops into any web-based system supporting URL integrations such as CRM.  Calls from queues and ring groups for users working in Call Panel can now receive a screen pop when connected or ringing (depending on your configuration).

Many CRM systems and other applications which accept lookup parameters via URL can be configured to "pop" when a user receives a call, launching another tab containing the application of your choice. The screen pop URL can be set to automatically populate with call variables, allowing the webpage opened to perform lookups and automatically display something personalized to this call.  Variables available for the URL include CallerID, queue name, agent extension, among others.

Screen Pops for Calling Queues calls

For calling queues, the settings for Screen Pops are all contained within the "Screen Pop" tab when creating or editing a queue.

Where the
Available variables to use in the URL are:

  • {{callerid_number}} = CallerID number of the originator of the call that is arriving to this queue
  • {{callerid_name}} = CallerID name of the originator of the call that is arriving to this queue
  • {{extension}} = the number of the Local Extension user receiving the call and ringing
  • {{extension_name}} = the name of the Local Extension user receiving the call and ringing
  • {{did}} = the number that the originator of the call that is arriving to this queue originally dialed
  • {{wait_sec}} = how long to wait before launching the screen pop (eihter after ringing starts or after the call is answered, depending of how the When parameter has been configured)
  • {{queue_name}} = name of the queue where the call is arriving to (this queue)
  • {{queue_extnum}} = number of the queue where the call is arriving to (this queue)
  • {{queue_entry_position}} = entry positinon that this call arrived to within the queue

Screen Pop Type - Enable or disable Screen Pops for when receiving an incoming call from this Ring Group. If enabled (setting this parameter to "url"), users working in the Call Panel will receive a screen pop when the call is ringing or connected (depending on your configuration).

When - Define the moment the screen pop will launch, either when the call starts "ringing" or when it gets "answered"

URL - The URL that will be opened when the screen pop launches. This URL can contain call variables so that the webpage for the exact correct resource gets automatically opened when the screen pop triggers.

Allow User Override - This will allow end users to edit the URL, enable, or disable Screen Pops from within their Call Panel.

Screen Pops for Ring Groups calls

For ring groups, the settings for Screen Pops are all contained within the "Screen Pop" tab when creating or editing a ring group.

Where the 
Available variables to use in the URL are:

  • {{callerid_number}} = CallerID number of the originator of the call that is arriving to this ring group
  • {{callerid_name}} = CallerID name of the originator of the call that is arriving to this ring group
  • {{extension}} = the number of the Local Extension user receiving the call and ringing
  • {{extension_name}} = the name of the Local Extension user receiving the call and ringing
  • {{did}} = the number that the originator of the call that is arriving to this ring group originally dialed
  • {{wait_sec}} = how long to wait before launching the screen pop (eihter after ringing starts or after the call is answered, depending of how the When parameter has been configured)
  • {{ringgroup_name}} = name of the ring group where the call is arriving to (this ring group)
  • {{ringgroup_extnum}} = number of the ring group where the call is arriving to (this ring group)

Screen Pop Type - Enable or disable Screen Pops for when receiving an incoming call from this Ring Group. If enabled (setting this parameter to "url"), users working in the Call Panel will receive a screen pop when the call is ringing or connected (depending on your configuration).

When - Define the moment the screen pop will launc, either when the call starts "ringing" or when it gets "answered"

URL - The URL that will be opened when the screen pop lanuches. This URL can contain call variables so that the webpage for the exact correct resource gets automatically opened when the screen pop triggers.

Allow User Override - This will allow end users to edit the URL, enable, or diable Screen Pops from within their Call Panel.

End User Management of Screen Pops via Call Panel

Users can manage (e
dit the URL, enable, or disable) Screen Pops from within Call Panel's settings area.

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