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Queue Events

Queue Events

  • This is the description of the Queue Events from the Queue Logs Report.
  • Queue log event types: These are the events (and associated information) that may be displayed in the queue logs menu:
    • ABANDON(position|origposition|waittime) - The caller abandoned their position in the queue. The position is the caller's position in the queue when they hungup, the origposition is the original position the caller was when they first entered the queue, and the waittime is how long the call had been waiting in the queue at the time of disconnect.
    • ADDMEMBER - A member was added to the queue. The bridged channel name will be populated with the name of the channel added to the queue.
    • AGENTDUMP - The agent dumped the caller while listening to the queue announcement.
    • AGENTLOGIN(channel) - The agent logged in. The channel is recorded.
    • AGENTCALLBACKLOGIN(exten@context) - The callback agent logged in. The login extension and context is recorded.
    • AGENTLOGOFF(channel|logintime) - The agent logged off. The channel is recorded, along with the total time the agent was logged in.
    • AGENTCALLBACKLOGOFF(exten@context|logintime|reason) - The callback agent logged off. The last login extension and context is recorded, along with the total time the agent was logged in, and the reason for the logoff if it was not a normal logoff.
    • ATTENDEDTRANSFER(method|method-data|holdtime|calltime|origposition) - This message will indicate the method by which the attended transfer was completed: BRIDGE for a bridge merge, APP for running an application on a bridge or channel, or LINK for linking two bridges together with local channels.
    • BLINDTRANSFER(extension|context|holdtime|calltime|origposition) - A blind transfer will result in a BLINDTRANSFER message with the destination context and extension.
    • COMPLETEAGENT(holdtime|calltime|origposition) - The caller was connected to an agent, and the call was terminated normally by the agent. The caller's hold time and the length of the call are both recorded. The caller's original position in the queue is recorded in origposition.
    • COMPLETECALLER(holdtime|calltime|origposition) - The caller was connected to an agent, and the call was terminated normally by the caller. The caller's hold time and the length of the call are both recorded. The caller's original position in the queue is recorded in origposition.
    • CONFIGRELOAD - The configuration has been reloaded.
    • CONNECT(holdtime|bridgedchanneluniqueid|ringtime) - The caller was connected to an agent. Hold time represents the amount of time the caller was on hold. The bridged channel unique ID contains the unique ID of the queue member channel that is taking the call. This is useful when trying to link recording filenames to a particular call in the queue. Ringtime represents the time the queue members phone was ringing prior to being answered.
    • ENTERQUEUE(url|callerid) - A call has entered the queue. URL (if specified) and Caller*ID are placed in the log.
    • EXITEMPTY(position|origposition|waittime) - The caller was exited from the queue forcefully because the queue had no reachable members and it's configured to do that to callers when there are no reachable members. The position is the caller's position in the queue when they hungup, the origposition is the original position the caller was when they first entered the queue, and the waittime is how long the call had been waiting in the queue at the time of disconnect.
    • EXITWITHKEY(key|position|origposition|waittime) - The caller elected to use a menu key to exit the queue. The key and the caller's position in the queue are recorded. The caller's entry position and amount of time waited is also recorded.
    • EXITWITHTIMEOUT(position|origposition|waittime) - The caller was on hold too long and the timeout expired. The position in the queue when the timeout occurred, the entry position, and the amount of time waited are logged.
    • QUEUESTART - The queueing system has been started for the first time this session.
    • REMOVEMEMBER - A queue member was removed from the queue. The bridge channel field will contain the name of the member removed from the queue.
    • RINGNOANSWER(ringtime) - After trying for ringtime ms to connect to the available queue member, the attempt ended without the member picking up the call.
    • RINGCANCELED - A caller is ringing a queue member, but that caller hangs up before the member answers or times out.
    • SYSCOMPAT - A call was answered by an agent, but the call was dropped because the channels were not compatible.
    • TRANSFER(extension|context|holdtime|calltime|origposition) - Caller was transferred to a different extension. Context and extension are recorded. The caller's hold time and the length of the call are both recorded, as is the caller's entry position at the time of the transfer. 

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