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Permission Rules Indepth

These permission rules define the level of access and actions that users have within different modules and features, such as active calls, announcements, call forwarding, call waiting, CDRs, chats, Clearly Anywhere access, audio conference rooms, contacts, do not disturb, emergency call back profiles and locations, follow me, intercom, online conferences, OTP configurations, panel buddies in Call Panel, and parking. Each rule specifies whether users can read, write, or perform specific actions for the designated destinations or modules.
  • Each time a User, Queue, or Conference Room is created for your Client, a rule for that specific User, Queue, and Conference Room will be auto-created here for you.
  • For each rule, you can define the following information:
    • Permission Name - Name of this permission Rule
    • Permission Module - What feature module this rule applies to
    • Permission Rule - What action this rule for that module applies to. For example, if it’s for a conference room, you might set this as a rule that says users in the call panel that have this rule in their permission group can call the conference as defined in the value field below. The most common Rules are the four below.
      • The most common Rules are the four below.
        • Write - This means the user can edit, create, or delete for the module above using the API for all the module’s destinations the rule is for. Meaning its the least restrictive and lets you see everything related to that rule.
        • Read - This means the user can view the module above using the API for all the module’s destinations the rule is for. Meaning its the least restrictive and lets you see everything related to that rule.

        • Write_For - This means the user can edit, create or delete within the module above using the API for the specific destination as defined in the Value field.

        • Read_For - This means the user can view the module above using the API for the specific destination as defined in the Value field.

    • Value - Drop-down to select which User, Conf Room, Queue, or other destination this rule applies would enable or disable that global permission.

  • Active Calls
    • active_calls_execute_callspy
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can call spy (barge) in on all users for Call Panel.
    • active_calls_execute_callspy_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can call spy (barge) in on this specific user for Call Panel.
    • active_calls_execute_record
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can start recording a call for all users for Call Panel.
    • active_calls_execute_record_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can start recording a call for this specific user for Call Panel.
  • Announcements
    • announcements_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see all announcements that have been created on the system and listen to them from Call Panel.
    • announcements_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can re-record all announcements that have been created on the system and listen to them from Call Panel.
  • Call Forward
    • forward_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see your current Call Forward settings both from Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • forward_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you change your current Call Waiting mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • forward_read_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see Call Forward settings both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you see the forward settings for your own user only.
    • forward_write_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you change  Call Forward mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you change the Call Forward settings for your own user only.
  • Call Waiting
    • call_waiting_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see your current Call Waiting mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • call_waiting_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you change your current Call Waiting mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • call_waiting_read_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see Call Waiting settings both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you see the Call Waiting settings for your own user only.
    • call_waiting_write_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you change Call Waiting mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you change the Call Waiting settings for your own user only.
  • CDRs
    • cdrs_delete_recording
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can delete call recordings both from Call Panel and the End User Portal on your own calls only.
    • cdrs_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view Call Details Records for your user both from Call Panel and the End User Portal on your own calls only.
    • cdrs_read_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see CDRs both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you see the CDRs for your own user only.
  • Chats
    • chats_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the chat tab from Call Panel
    • chats_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the chat tab and send and receive chats from Call Panel
  • Clearly Anywhere Access
    • clearly_anywhere_access_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view your Clearly Anywhere settings and QC code from Call Panel
  • Audio Conference Rooms
    • conferences_execute_callconference
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can click the call button for all conference rooms from Call Panel.
    • conferences_execute_callconference_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can click the call button for this specific conference room from Call Panel.
    • conferences_execute_confinvite
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can click the Invite button to invite users into the conference room for all conference rooms from Call Panel.
    • conferences_execute_confinvite_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can click the Invite button to invite users into this specific conference room from Call Panel.
    • conferences_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view all conference rooms from Call Panel. This does not allow you to add the conference room to your dashboard.  You need the write permissions below for that.
    • conferences_read_for_XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view this conference rooms from Call Panel. This does not allow you to add the conference room to your dashboard.  You need the write permissions below for that.
  • Contacts
    • contacts_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view all contacts for all Tags created by your Clearly Cloud admin interface from Call Panel or End User Portal
    • contacts_read_for_XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view all contacts for that specific Tags created by your Clearly Cloud admin interface from Call Panel or End User Portal
    • contacts_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view and edit all contacts for all Tags created by your Clearly Cloud admin interface from Call Panel or End User Portal
    • contacts_write_for_XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view and edit all contacts for that specific Tags created by your Clearly Cloud admin interface from Call Panel or End User Portal
    • contacts_manage_personal
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can create,view and edit personal contacts and personal contact tags that only the user who created the personal contacts in Call Panel or End User Portal.
  • Do Not Disturb
    • do_not_disturb_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see your current Do Not Disturb mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • do_not_disturb_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you change your current Call Waiting mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • do_not_disturb_read_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see Do Not Disturb settings both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you see the Do Not Disturb settings for your own user only.
    • do_not_disturb_write_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you change Do Not Disturb mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you change the Do Not Disturb settings for your own user only.
  • Emergency Call Back Profiles and Locations
    • emergency_caller_id_callback_profiles_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view your current Emergency Callback Profile that is set for your user from Call Panel
    • emergency_caller_id_callback_profiles_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view and change your current Emergency Callback Profile that is set for your user from Call Panel
    • emergency_caller_id_dispatchable_locations_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view your current Emergency Dispatchable Locations that is set for your user from Call Panel
    • emergency_caller_id_dispatchable_locations_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view and change your current Emergency Dispatchable Locations that is set for your user from Call Panel
  • Follow Me
    • follow_me_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see your current Follow Me settings both from Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • follow_me_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you change your current Call Waiting mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • follow_me_read_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see Follow Me settings both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you see the Follow Me settings for your own user only.
    • follow_me_write_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you change Follow Me mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you change the Follow Me settings for your own user only.
  • Intercom
    • intercom_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see your current Intercom settings from Call Panel
    • intercom_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can change your current Intercom settings from Call Panel
    • intercom_read_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see Intercom settings both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you see the Intercom settings for your own user only.
    • intercom_write_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you change Intercom mode both from Call Panel and the End User Portal of this specific user versus the rule above lets you change the Intercom settings for your own user only.
  • Online Conferences (Legacy Feature)
    • online_conf_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view the Online Video Conference Rooms tab from the End User Portal. This is a legacy feature that was used to integrate with legacy Zoom and Jitsi APIs and is no longer supported.
    • online_conf_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can edit and create the Online Video Conference Rooms tab from the End User Portal. This is a legacy feature that was used to integrate with legacy Zoom and Jitsi APIs and is no longer supported.
  • OTP Configurations
    • otp_configurations_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see your current OTP (2 Factor Login) settings from Call Panel
    • otp_configurationswrite
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can change your current OTP (2 Factor Login) settings from Call Panel
  • Panel Buddies in Call Panel
    • panel_buddies_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see all users under the list of users inside Call Panel.  This does not allow you to add the user to your dashboard.  You need the write permissions below for that.
    • panel_buddies_read_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see this specific user under the list of users inside Call Panel.  This does not allow you to add the user to your dashboard.  You need the write permissions below for that.
    • panel_buddies_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can add any of the users to your dashboard inside Call Panel.  
    • panel_buddies_write_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can add this specific user to your dashboard inside Call Panel.  
    • panel_buddies_show_caller_id_info 
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the Caller ID information of any active call for any of the users to your dashboard inside Call Panel.  
    • panel_buddies_show_caller_id_info_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the Caller ID information of any active call for this specific user to your dashboard inside Call Panel. 
    • panel_buddies_show_call_state
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the call state (if they are on a call or not) for any of the users to your dashboard inside Call Panel.  
    • panel_buddies_show_call_state_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the call state (if they are on a call or not) for this specific user to your dashboard inside Call Panel.  
    • panel_buddies_show_callforward
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the if call forwarding is enabled or disabled for any of the users to your dashboard inside Call Panel. 
    • panel_buddies_show_dnd
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the if Do Not Disturb is enabled or disabled for any of the users to your dashboard inside Call Panel. 
    • panel_buddies_show_followme
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the if Follow Me is enabled or disabled for any of the users to your dashboard inside Call Panel. 
    • panel_buddies_show_voicemail_count 
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the Voicemail Box count for unread voicemails for any of the users to your dashboard inside Call Panel.  
    • panel_buddies_show_voicemail_count_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see the Voicemail Box count for unread voicemails for this specific user to your dashboard inside Call Panel. 
  • Parking
    • parking_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see parking lots and all callers who are parked in those slots from Call Panel
    • parking_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can pickup callers who are parked in those slots from Call Panel
  • Personal Audio Conference Rooms
    • personal_conferences_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see your Personal Conference Room for your user from both Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • personal_conferences_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can edit your Personal Conference Room for your user from the End User Portal.
  • Queues
    • queues_execute_pause
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can pause or unpause all users of the Queue from inside Call Panel.   
    • queues_execute_pause_self
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can pause or unpause your own user only in any Queue from inside Call Panel.   
    • queues_execute_redirect_self
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can steal a call out of queue and have it ring on your phone to pickup the queued caller from Call Panel.
    • queues_execute_redirect_user
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can steal a call out of queue and have it ring on any other users phone to pickup the queued caller from Call Panel.
    • queues_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view all Queues inside Call Panel.   This does not allow you to add the queue to your dashboard.  You need the write permissions below for that.
    • queues_read_for_XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view this specific Queue inside Call Panel. This does not allow you to add the queue to your dashboard.  You need the write permissions below for that.
  • Queue Pause Codes
    • queue_member_pause_codes_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can set a Pause Code when pausing yourself from Call Panel in any Queue. 
  • Softphone
    • softphone_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can use the built in Softphone in Call Panel
  • Toggle Destinations
    • toggle_destinations_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view all Toggle Destinations and the current state that have been created for the client from the Admin GUI from Call Panel
    • toggle_destinations_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view all Toggle Destinations and the current state that have been created for the client from the Admin GUI along with toggle the current state from Call Panel
  • User Directories (Legacy Feature)
    • user_directories_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view the Directory List tab from the End User Portal. This is a legacy feature that was used with the legacy provisioning tool for endpoints.
    • user_directories_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can edit the Directory List tab from the End User Portal. This is a legacy feature that was used with the legacy provisioning tool for endpoints.
  • Video Conference Rooms
    • video_conferences_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view the Video Conference Rooms tab from Call Panel or End User Portal.
    • dynamic_video_conference_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view any Dynamic Video Conference Rooms created by you from Call Panel or End User Portal.
    • dynamic_video_conference_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can create/view or edit any Dynamic Video Conference Rooms created by you from Call Panel or End User Portal.
  • Voicemail Files
    • voicemails_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view all Voicemails for your user from both Call Panel and the End User Portal.\
    • voicemails_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can delete all Voicemails for your user from both Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • voicemails_read_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view all Voicemails for the specific user from both Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • voicemails_write_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can delete all Voicemails for the specific user from both Call Panel and the End User Portal.
  • Voicemail Box Settings
    • voicemail_boxes_read
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see view all your voicemail settings for your user from both Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • voicemail_boxes_write
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can see edit all your voicemail settings for your user from both Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • voicemail_boxes_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can view all voicemail settings for the specific user from both Call Panel and the End User Portal.
    • voicemails_boxes_for XXX
      • If this rule is created and added to your permission group it means you can delete all voicemail settings for the specific user from both Call Panel and the End User Portal.

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