STUN Server Options

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  • If you are experiencing 1 way or 2 way no audio issues on your LAN or 4G you may need to setup a STUN server. Below is information on the different STUN options.


  • From the Menu click on Basic > Network
  • Scroll down to the STUN section

  • Enabling STUN will provide the following fields. When enabling STUN it will be enabled for all Registrations, Invites related to calls and the SDP of the media on the LAN port.  For the 4G network you get additional options based on results we have seen with different wireless carriers.
    • Server IP address / Name - The STUN server you want to use.  We recommend using a Google STUN server such as
    • Server Port - The port the STUN server wants request sent to.  For Google this is 19302
    • Session interval - How often we should check in with the STUN server to get information.  The STUN server will auto check in on re-registration and failover between LAN and 4G.
    • 4G NAT Operations - When the device is using 4G this lets us have more control over when STUN should be used.  The options are
      • Full - STUN will be used for Registration, Invites for new Calls and any SDP related to RTP on a call. Full behaves like normal STUN on a LAN when on 4G.
      • 4G SDP with NAT Address Updating - STUN will only be used to update the IP Address and Port in the SDP for RTP media when using 4G.  The invite IP address will not be updated to what the STUN server thinks should be used.
      • 4G SIP with NAT Address Updating - STUN will only be used to update the IP Address and Port in the Invite when using 4G.  The SDP IP address will not be updated to what the STUN server thinks should be used.
      • 4G neither SIP nor SDP with NAT Address Updating - This is a combination of both the SDP and SIP option above meaning that the STUN resolved IP and port will only be used for registration not for any callingCapture1

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